"We come spinning
out of nothingness,
scattering stars
like dust."
- Rumi
13th Century Mystic and Poet
I have read thousands of numerology charts to date and have not had an "incorrect" one yet. This is because the full name at birth holds the blueprint of what each soul comes back to learn. Subliminally, the universe helps your parents form your name. Each vowel and consonant is a certain number and when they are added together they express a certain vibration.
So when the different numbers are added up you can see what your soul had in mind. Each number has both positive and challenging aspects.
The numbers go from 1-9, then 11, 22, and 33. Each number is filled with lessons, insights, and adventures!
One is the vibration of independence, vision, leadership,
ambition...Two is the vibration of duality (the desire to heal dualities within), to form healthy relationships, to mediate...
Three is the vibration of self-expression, connection to Spirit, addiction and low moods...
Four is the vibration of foundation, loyalty, organization, family, betrayal, stability...
Five is the vibration of freedom, travel, restlessness, versatility, rebellion...
Six is the vibration of beauty, nature, balance, the arts, teaching, sensitivity, movement...
Seven is the vibration of going inside, sociology, psychology, metaphysics, research, deep work, isolation...
Eight is the vibration of the physical world, manifestation, leadership, bureauocracy, physical health, greed...
Nine is the vibration of Oneness, unconditional love, abandonment, meditation, and inner work...
Eleven is the vibration of inspiration, bringing in the light, sacrifice for higher goals...
Twenty-two is the vibration of self-mastery through difficult lessons with great rewards.
Thirty-three is the vibration of the Avatar.
Then the numbers are put in several categories or paths. For instance, there are six main paths in a chart.
Every soul has a purpose, a certain destiny that it longs to become, and like a great movie, a numerology chart brings in a cast of characters and a storyline that sets up the lessons of each lifetime.
Clients often tell me that they cannot believe how the chart and energy of the numbers, of the mathematics, embodies their "big self," the one they want to be.
Working with this chart of wishes and dreams will help you become that Big Self.
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