"This coming together and moving apart is what makes us aware that we are all, each of us, alone.
And when I am fully with myself, it is almost enough. Almost.
But when you hold my aloneness and I hold yours,
when I know we will not hold the necessary silences against each other,
I am penetrated by a greater intimacy, an intimacy with the Other,
the Mystery that permeates everything, that penetrates and vibrates in my skin, your blood, my bones.
It is what makes my breath and your breath the same breath, breathing us all into the next moment.
It is here, where my solitude and yours sit side by side that I know this Other that is never completely other,
that I meet the I that is not simply myself, that I am truly with the world."
- Oriah
Mountain Dreamer
from "The Dance"
Divine Spirit, Blessed Ones, Far-Reaching Allies, Spirit Animals,
and All Angelic Forces!
Help us to release our emotions and attachments to the past.
Hold us close as we navigate the incoming energies of this New Year.
Within this prayer:
Empower us and help us reclaim our personal sovereignty.
Direct us to a new vision of our worth
By becoming a reflection of You…
So that our bodies heal
So that we breathe more deeply
So that we discover that we are not alone.
Knowing this we open to the vastness of our Souls. |
Help us to transform all illusion and fear
Into grounded forward action.
Then we will take our place on this planet
Knowing that we are inter-connected as One.
Help us lift the veil of suffering, poverty, violence, and despair
So we may mirror to one another through our eyes
Joyfulness, abundance, forgiveness, and compassion.
We are an expression of the Universe!
In this moment we envision a landscape within us and around us
That resonates with harmony, laughter, and simple kindness.
We invoke the pulse of freedom!|
The heartbeat of happiness!
The realization of peace.
We sing these prayers to all living beings
Through blood and bone
Wing and shell,
Leaf and land.
Through every cell!
Let the all-encompassing Universe answer our call.
We thank you for this life,
This journey,
This instant in eternity!
Ho, in beauty it is done.
Divine Spirit, Blessed Ones,
who guide us throughout our days,
help us to honor our Mother, Gaia, the elegant Earth
by breathing compassion, kindness, courage and generosity
deeply into our being.
Open our souls so we may be fully alive
and experience our connection to all living things as family.
Teach us to transform our limited thoughts into open-hearted action,
to heal the illusion of separateness,
to caretake all species as our sisters and brothers
by protecting their innocence and upholding their dignity.
Let the light of love transcend all boundaries
and weave a tapestry through the four directions:
north, south, east, and west.
From the sky blue hues of heaven and the sunlight pouring through
to the dark, wet loam of the first forests,
through the marketplaces of wizened lands
that bear the fruit picked by many hands,
and on to the sweeping sand of desert
and flowering meadows, majestic glaciers,
curvaceous islands, ancient walls and
the seething jungles that continually call,
"I am a part of you, I am a part of you."
To mystical mountains and beyond,
to blazing cities and tiny ports,
to the quiet resolution of the ocean floors.
Skin, seed, fur, feather, leaf, root, and bone.
let us breathe as one:
One world,
One tribe,
One soul.
It is done.
Originally published for United Nations World Environment Day in San Francisco, 2005.
© 2012 Carol Simone | All Rights Reserved
Esprit Divin, Êtres Bénis,
qui nous guident tout au long de nos jours,
aidez nous à honorer notre Mère, Gaia,
la Terre élégante,
en respirant la compassion, la bonté, le courage et la générosité
profondément dans notre être.
Ouvrez nos âmes afin que nous puissions être pleinement vivant
et connaître notre connexion à tous les êtres vivants comme famille.
Apprenez nous à transformer nos pensées limitées en plein coeur action,
pour guérir l'illusion de la séparation,
pour prendre soin de toutes les espèces comme nos frères et soeurs
en protégeant leur innocence et respectant leur dignité.
Permettez la lumière de l'amour de traverser toutes les frontières
et tisser une tapisserie à travers les quatre directions:
nord, sud, est et ouest.
Du ciel teintes bleues du paradis et de la lumière du soleil répande
à l'obscurité, le terreau humide des premières forêts,
à travers les marchés de terres sages
qui portent des fruits cueillis par de nombreuses mains,
et sur le sable balayé du désert,
prairies fleuries et des glaciers majestueux,
îles bien courbées, murs anciens et
jungles bouillonnantes qui appellent sans cesse,
je suis une partie de vous. Je suis une partie de vous.
Aux montagnes mystiques et au-delà,
aux villes flamboyantes et petits ports,
à la résolution paisible du plancher océanique.
La peau, les graines, la fourrure, les plumes, les feuilles, les racines et les os,
laissez nous respirer comme une:
Un monde,
Une tribu,
Une âme,
C'est fait.
Beautiful Ones,
In this time of change and upheaval, Visualize Calm Now.
NOW is the moment to reach out and practice all you have learned for so many lifetimes. BREATHE.
Focus and transmit healing visualizations that manifest healing outcomes NOW. BREATHE.
Let nothing stop you. BREATHE.
Create time and envision Quan Yin's soothing (grapefruit pink) healing light surrounding Japan with its peaceful, life-saving vibration. BREATHE.
See the souls who have passed, letting go of this world and drifting into Quan Yin's tender arms effortlessly. BREATHE.
Watch as water, food, and medical supplies arrive immediately and ongoing, needed nourishment in flow. BREATHE.
Then see Quan Yin sitting in the center of all nuclear sites, each site filled with her loving light, bringing the cool mists of compassion deeply into their cores, quelling all aggressive nuclear activity. BREATHE.
Finally encircle our Mother Earth with Quan Yin's loving light. BREATHE.
Feel the light travel from Quan Yin's compassionate eyes to your open heart, connecting continent to country, city to vastness...through mountains, forests, islands, deserts, glaciers, oceans and beyond... BREATHE.
See all living beings safe. Trusting. Lit In a constant state of gratitude and grace. BREATHE.
Let every Soul breathe as One and let peace prevail.
Whisper again and again,
Om mane padme om
Om mane padme om
The healing invocation of Quan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion, who lives within you.
Ten Thousand Blessings to You From Every Direction,
Om mane padme om
Om mane padme om
Om mane padme om
A toi, être de beauté:
En ces temps de changement and de bouleversements, visualise un temps de calme maintenant.
Maintenant est le moment de puiser dans les expériences et de pratiquer tout ce que tu as appris tout au long de toutes tes vies. Respire.
Concentre toi et transmet tes visions de guérison pour qu’elles se manifestent maintenant. Respire.
Ne laisse rien t’arrêter. Respire.
Crée le temps et imagines la lumière apaisante and guérisseuse de Quan Yin avec sa couleur rose, comme la chair du pamplemousse, enrobant le Japon avec sa vibration de paix salvatrice. Respire.
Vois les âmes qui se sont désincarnées lâcher prise de ce monde et flotter en douceur dans les bras tendues de Quan Yin. Respire.
Regarde pendant que les secours en eau potable, nourriture et soin médicaux arrivent immédiatement et continuent d’arriver comme un flot nourrissant tant nécessaire. Respire.
Maintenant, vois Quan Yin assise au centre des centrales nucléaires, avec chaque centrale remplie de la lumière aimante de Quan Yin ; vois Quan Yin apportant une brise rafraichissante de compassion au plus profond de ces centrales, et apportant l’apaisement à toute l’agressivité des activités nucléaires. Respire.
Pour finir, encercle toute notre terre mère de la lumière aimante de Quan Yin. Respire.
Sent la lumière de compassion voyager depuis l’œil de Quan Yin jusqu’à ton cœur ouvert, connectant le continent au pays, la cite a l’immensité...A travers les montagnes, les forets, les iles, les déserts, les glaciers, les océans et au delà.... Respire.
Vois toutes les créatures vivantes saines et sauves, confiantes. Allume une flamme constante de gratitude et de grâce. Respire.
Laisse toutes les âmes respirer à l’unisson et la paix prévaloir.
Murmure encore et encore
Om mane padme om
Om mane padme om
L’appel a la guérison de Quan Yin, la Déesse de Compassion qui vit en toi.
Dix milles bénédictions pour toi venant de toutes les directions.
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