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Psychotherapist and Spiritual Teacher Helene Rothschild created this exceptional form of counseling that I am wild about. I love to bring it into healing sessions. HART Therapy is as it says,"rapid" and transformational, as well as catalytic. Helene has invented a system that helps you understand that you are responsible for what is going on in your world. She does this by using statements that open the subconscious mind to memories, beliefs, emotions and thoughts that have helped or sabotaged you on your path.

HART takes you right to the source of negative, limiting thoughts and through carefully designed statements and guided imagery, dissolves them painlessly. All work is done with your eyes closed in that it allows you to "see" in a much deeper way. What I find so powerful in her methodology is the wording Helene has developed — that is so sensitive, so loving, so authentic. Clients are able to hang in there and work all the way through their "stuff," even if it's born from addiction, past-life challenges, post-traumatic stress or dysfunctional childhood stuff. It's absolutely amazing to see what happens when HART is practiced, mastered, and used in everyday life. I often hear how a client has learned more about him or herself in one HART session than 20 years of traditional counseling. I am overjoyed to have discovered it...and Helene!


There is nothing more fulfilling for me than watching someone actively dissolve a longstanding, painful pattern, especially a pattern that is deeply hidden under a past-life memory. Not long ago, "Sabine," a lovely young woman came to me who was depressed and feeling futile about her relationships with men. Even though she was feeling low, she saw the pattern quickly: Having had a stressful relationship with her father (he was an alcoholic who abandoned his family many times), Sabine held alot of fear about trusting men. So she attracted men who could not or would not commit and then she could blame them and stay safe in her “cloaked” childhood beliefs.

In several HART Process sessions, we cleaned out early childhood illusions she had made (and kept) about feeling worthless, and unlovable, because of her father’s absence in her life and then created new decisions about what really was going on and leveled them in her subconscious through hypnotherapy. Once the new consciousness was grounded within her, I asked her if the source of this old feeling might even go further back, before this incarnation. She didn’t know but was willing to check it out.

Using HART methods again, she travelled into her memory and watched a screen that showed several scenarios where she had abandoned her father. We placed both of those personas in front of her and had them tell her what had created her illness. Next, we made sure they knew they were forgiven and reassured them that she had moved on and had completed the lesson she felt she had to learn in her current incarnation, from what had occurred with them. My client left feeling “clean” and soon after began seeing a man who would challenge her to another level by wanting to be there for her.



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